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This walking app let me whack my co-workers with a baseball bat

Stompers, where hitting your co-workers will not end in an HR violation. | Photo by Victoria Song / The Verge

Violence is never the answer. That said, it was fun when I opened a walking app and whacked a Verge editor with a baseball bat and made another slip on a banana peel. After, I continued on my peaceful commute home. A bit later, one of my fellow writers walloped me not once but twice with their own baseball bat. I wasn’t actually mad, but it did prompt me to go on a walk around the block so I could hit them back.

That, in a nutshell, is the appeal of Stompers — an iOS app that encourages you to whack, trick, and out-walk your friends (or colleagues) in a Looney Tunes-like race.

The app is the creation of designer Soren Iverson. You may know Iverson from his “unhinged UI” design series, in which he posts conceptual app mock-ups for…

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