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Reddit’s 2022 recap transforms users into trading cards

You’ve activated my… Reddit trading card! | Card images: Reddit

It’s app recap season once again, and Reddit is getting in on the moment with its second annual personalized recap. This year, your recap will include an autogenerated trading card that represents you and your Reddit experience in 2022.

Like other recaps, Reddit’s features a lot of personalized data to help you reflect on your year on the platform. You might see things like your most upvoted comment, how much you’ve scrolled as measured in bananas (well, what Reddit calls “Standard Banana Units”), and whether you’re on team cat or team dog.

“Standard Banana Units”

But at the end of your recap, you’ll also be given a “Superpower Reddit Ability” and assigned a rare, epic, or legendary rating based on how much Reddit karma you’ve earned,…

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