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Millionaire Lottery Gift Leads to Mega-mansion in Front of Famous Scottish Castle

A mega-home that became a mega-headache for the town of Edinburgh, Scotland is moving forward. Craig and Lisa Charters began the project after receiving a sizable gift from Lisa’s parents after they won the lottery, but the locals in the country’s capital are concerned it will detract from the prominent position Edinburgh Castle holds.

The Edinburgh Castle front gate entrance in the morning. After receiving a millionaire lottery gift, a couple plans to build a mansion in front of the castle. (Image: Love Edinburgh)

The couple initially purchased a simple bungalow in Edinburgh with their unexpected gift, the product of a £33-million (US$39.92 million) lottery win in 2016. However, they later decided that the property was better suited for something grander, like a £5-million (US$6.05 million) mansion.

When the Charters submitted their plans for the three-story structure to the town hall, they didn’t find a lot of support from their neighbors. However, after several modifications and continued insistence, according to Edinburgh News, they have received approval from the local council.

Old Meets New

The Charters aren’t trying to use their newfound wealth to flaunt in front of the locals. After they presented the initial project, they listened to the complaints and made adjustments to the final design. These included reducing the height of the construction by about five feet and setting it further away from a neighbor’s property.

The locals still fought back. They said the construction was still too tall and that it would infringe on the privacy of surrounding properties. They also tried to use environmentalist tactics, arguing that it would block sunlight and harm wildlife. For good measure, they also claimed the construction would devalue their own properties.

Resistance continued, with at least 63 complaints arriving to try to block the project. However, the Charters were confident that they had a workable design. They were determined to turn the site of the former 1,720-square-foot bungalow into a modern wonder spanning almost 6,000 square feet.

The Edinburgh Council has decided to see what happens when new meets old. It approved the latest blueprints on Wednesday, with Councilor Neil Gardiner emphasizing its “brave design.”

Councilor Hal Osler supports the project, as well. He believes the Charters are ready to build something “sustainable” and “challenging,” and hopes they have a “wonderful time” living in the mansion. Undoubtedly, the couple will continue to face backlash from the community long after they get settled in.

Edinburgh Castle Is Scotland

In 1566, Queen Mary Stuart gave birth to James in one of the rooms at Edinburgh Castle. Just a year later, she was imprisoned and forced to abdicate in favor of James VI. At just one year old, he became King of Scotland.

That is just one of the many facets that make Edinburgh Castle an indelible part of Scottish history, but the story goes back much further. 500 years earlier, Queen Margaret (later St. Margaret) passed away in the castle. Her son, King David I, built a chapel in her memory, which now stands as the oldest structure in Edinburgh.

The castle has been the scene of repeated battles and changed hands between the Scots and the Brits numerous times over the course of centuries. However, it always returned to Scotland, and today stands as a prominent example of Scottish determination.

The post Millionaire Lottery Gift Leads to Mega-mansion in Front of Famous Scottish Castle appeared first on Casino.org.




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