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DuckDuckGo’s App Tracking Protection beta is now available to all Android users

DuckDuckGo’s new App Tracking Protection tool aims to prevent apps from tracking Android users and then selling the collected data. | Image: DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo’s App Tracking Protection is now available for public beta testing on all Android devices after launching in a limited beta almost one year ago.

App Tracking Protection for Android is a free feature from the privacy-focused company that blocks third-party trackers within apps, even when said apps aren’t actively being used. When enabled in DuckDuckGo’s browser, it detects when apps are about to send data to a list of third-party tracking companies on DuckDuckGo’s publicly available blocklist and then blocks most of those data requests. It all happens on the device without routing your data through DuckDuckGo’s servers.

Image: DuckDuckGo
With the App Tracking Protection “Activity Report,” you can see…

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